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Table 1 Inclusion criteria of the cases

From: Case-control study on uveal melanoma (RIFA): rational and design



Posterior and anterior uveal melanoma 1)




C69.3 (Choroid)


C69.4 (Ciliary body)


ICD-O-3: Localisation


C69.42 (Iris)


C69.43 (Ciliary body +/- further choroid sections)


C69.3 (Choroid)


ICD-O-3 Histological types


8720/3 (Malignant melamoma, NOS)


8770/3 (Mixed epithelioid and spindle cell melanoma)


8771/3 (Epithelioid cell melanoma)


8773/3 (Spindle cell melanoma, type A)


8774/3 (Spindle cell melanoma, type B)

Date of the first diagnosis

25.09.2002 – 24.09.2004 (24 months)

Age at diagnosis

20–74 years2)


Man or woman




Being capable to complete the interview in German

  1. 1) Also patients with uveal melanoma who were never referred to Division of Ophthalmology, University of Duisburg-Essen, for diagnostics. 2) Reference date for calculation of age in cases in the first visit at Division of Ophthalmology, University of Duisburg-Essen due to uveal melanoma, as long as there is no clue that the uveal melanoma was diagnosed more than three month earlier.