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Table 2 Comparing all the patients on treatment at most recent review to all the patients not on treatment at most recent review with regards to parameters indicated

From: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension: the association between weight loss and the requirement for systemic treatment


Patients on treatment at most recent review

Patients not on treatment at most recent review

Mann Whitney U test

Age/years (standard deviation)

32.0 (10.6)

31.2 (10.4)

p = 0.82


21 female

14 female: 1 male


Opening pressure/cm H2O (standard deviation)

35.9 (11.4)

34.2 (10.4)

p = 0.66

Length of follow up/months (standard deviation)

32.1 (15.5)

32.8 (15.5)

p = 0.90

Body mass index at presentation/kg/m2 (standard deviation)

38.0 (8.0)

34.4 (6.4)

p = 0.17