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Table 1 Case summary

From: Refractive change following pseudophakic vitrectomy

A 32-year-old man underwent clear lens extraction with phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implant for the correction of high myopia (refraction right eye -15 dioptres, axial length 30.12 mm) after problems with contact lens intolerance. Postoperatively he was pleased with the result and achieved acuity in his right eye of 6/18 unaided which improved to 6/6 with a correction of +1/+1 at 90°. He maintained stable vision but two years following surgery he presented with a two-day history of a visual floaters and an infero-nasal field defect and was found to have a supero-temporal retinal detachment with the macula still just attached. Vitrectomy surgery was carried out the same day using self-sealing 20 g sclerostomies with cryotherapy to a single superior horseshoe tear and SF6 gas tamponade. On postoperative review his retina was attached and he was pleased with his unaided vision, which had improved to 6/9. Three months following surgery his vision was stable with a refractive correction of 0/+1 at 90° which remained unchanged over a follow up period of 24 months.