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Table 1 Clinical Characteristics of the Patients with Non-arteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

From: Postural effects on intraocular pressure and ocular perfusion pressure in patients with non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy

General data

 Number of patients


 Age, years

59.60 ± 11.89

 Laterality, n (%)



13 (65)


7 (35)

 Sex, n (%)



8 (40)


12 (60)

 Initial BCVA, n (%)


  LP to HM

1 (5)

  Count fingers to 20/200

6 (30)


4 (20)

   ≥ 20/40

9 (45)

 Average CDR of fellow eyea

0.20 ± 0.15

 Vertical CDR of fellow eyeb

0.18 ± 0.14

 SE, D

0.13 ± 1.24

 Visual field - Initial MD, dB

−13.00 ± 8.80

Underlying systemic disease, n (%)


5 (25)


4 (20)

 Ischemic heart disease

2 (10)

 Cerebrovascular disease

5 (25)

 Thyroid disease

3 (15)


2 (10)

 No major systemic disease

4 (20)

  1. BCVA best-corrected visual acuity, CDR cup-to-disc ratio, D diopters, HM hand motion, IOP intraocular pressure, LP light perception, MD mean deviation, SE spherical equivalent
  2. aThe average CDR is the square root of the ratio of the area of the cup to the area of the disc
  3. bThe vertical CDR is the ratio of vertical cup diameter to vertical disc diameter