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Table 3 Multivariable logistic regression model used to predict the probability of participation

From: Predicting participation of people with impaired vision in epidemiological studies


Beta coefficient (SE)

Odds Ratio (95% CI)




< 0.001

 Female vs. Male

−1.27 (0.24)

0.28 (2.23–5.71)


Distance to clinic - km (DISTH)

−0.02 (0.004)

0.98 (1.01–1.03)

< 0.001

Education – years (EDU)

0.21 (0.04)

1.23 (1.14–1.33)

< 0.001

Annual number of hospital visits - in times-per-year (AHATTEND)


< 0.001

 ≥ 10×/yr vs < 10×/yr

1.64 (0.24)

5.18 (3.24–8.69)


Marital Status (MST)


< 0.001

 Living together vs. Others (married, single or widowed)

3.26 (0.46)

26.14 (10.62–64.4)


 Divorced vs. Others (married, single or widowed)

2.74 (0.56)

15.44 (5.15–46.27)


Visual acuity (VA)


< 0.001

 Intermediate (0.2–0.4) vs. extreme (0, 0.1 or 0.5)

1.10 (0.23)

3.02 (1.92–4.74)

  1. SE standard error, CI Confidence Interval