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Table 1 Preoperative Patient Demographic Data in Eyes Undergoing Implantation of ICL V4c

From: Visual outcomes of Visian ICL implantation for high myopia in patients with shallow anterior chamber depth


Mean ± SD (N = 51 eyes)

Range (Minimum, Maximum)

Age (y)

32.45 ± 6.85

20, 42

Follow-up (moths)

15.35 ± 4.90

12, 25

CDVA (Decimal)

0.86 ± 0.31

0.1, 1.2

Spherical refractive error (D)

−13.31 ± 4.34

−6.50, − 25.50

Cylindrical refractive error (D)

−1.50 ± 1.01

−4.00, 0

Spherical equivalent (D)

− 14.03 ± 4.46

− 7.50, − 25.75

ACD (mm)

2.74 ± 0.04

2.65, 2.79

WTW (mm)

11.67 ± 0.33

11.0, 12.9

IOP (mmHg)

15.76 ± 2.68

9.7, 20.9

ECD (cells/mm2)

3235.08 ± 478.07

2379, 4132

Axial length(mm)

28.30 ± 2.01

24.18, 32.84

  1. CDVA = Corrected distance visual acuity; D = Diopter; ACD = Anterior chamber depth; WTW = White-to-white; IOP = Intraocular pressure; ECD = Endothelial cell count
  2. Data are mean ± SD unless otherwise indicated