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Table 1 Classification of associated factors

From: Factors influencing the self-reported sense of deviation in adults with successful surgical outcomes for strabismus




Classified as normal, mildly abnormal (mild overaction or underaction) or obviously abnormal (obvious overaction or underaction)

Sensory fusion

Classified as normal or abnormal (suppression or diplopia)

Stereo acuity

Classified as normal stereo (≤60s of arc), partial normal stereo (120 to 480 s of arc), or none (>  480 s of arc)

Visual deficit

Defined as one or both eyes having a BCVA less than 20/60

Education level

Classified as higher education (college education and above), secondary education (community college and high school), primary education (middle school and primary school), or illiteracy


Classified as work with people (e.g., teacher, salesperson) or work without addressing people (e.g., technician, cook, construction worker)

  1. *BCVA best corrected visual acuity