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Table 2 Patient Demographics and Study Eye Characteristics of Patients with Central Retinal Vein Occlusion associated Cystoid Macular Oedema that were enrolled into the study

From: A treat and extend protocol with Aflibercept for cystoid macular oedema secondary to central retinal vein occlusion – an 18-month prospective cohort study


 Eye, n (%)


12 (60%)


8 (40%)

 Age, years

  Mean ± SD

61.8 ± 14.3


23 to 84

 Gender, n (%)


16 (80%)


4 (20%)

 Hypertension, n (%)


10 (50%)


10 (50%)

 Diabetes, n (%)


7 (35%)


13 (65%)

 Hypercholesterolemia, n (%)


4 (20%)


16 (80%)

 BCVA, ETDRS letter

  Median [interquartile range]

55.0 [36.8 to 64.8]


20.0 to 70.0

   > 20/200

15 (75%)

 CMT, μm

  Mean ± SD

807 ± 238


354 to 1281

 IOP, mmHg

  Mean ± SD

14.3 ± 2.6

 Perfusion status, n (%)


10 (50%)


5 (25%)


5 (25%)

  1. SD standard deviation, BCVA best-correct visual acuity, ETDRS Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study, CMT central macular thickness, IOP intraocular pressure