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Table 5 Treatment duration by drug

From: Persistence and treatment patterns of fixed combination drugs for glaucoma: a retrospective claims database study in Japan

Treatment Pattern


Patients switched from first-line treatment, n


Duration of the first-line treatment, months (mean ± SD)

 Fixed combination

8.19 ± 8.98

 Unfixed combination

16.94 ± 18.05

Duration of first-line treatment, months (mean ± SD)


12.63 ± 14.88


13.9 ± 16.79


5.14 ± 7.20


6.71 ± 5.91


4.36 ± 6.54


17 ± 22.28


8.47 ± 9.39


5.2 ± 6.83

Of those switched to fixed combination as second-line, n (%)

n = 104

 Switched to another drug in the third-line

22 (21.15)

 Added on another drug in the third-line

18 (17.31)

 Dropped the combination therapy

25 (24.04)

 Stayed on the combination therapy

39 (37.50)

Of those switched to unfixed combination as second-line, n (%)

n = 78

 Switched to another drug in the third-line

16 (20.51)

 Added on another drug in the third-line

15 (19.23)

 Dropped the combination therapy

21 (26.92)

 Stayed on the combination therapy

26 (33.33)

Duration of second-line treatment (added on in the third-line), months (mean ± SD)


8.08 ± 4.37


7.02 ± 4.55


6.52 ± 4.94


7.00 ± 5.77


5.58 ± 4.60


4.86 ± 3.63


6.90 ± 4.61


7.03 ± 4.46

Duration of second-line treatment (switched in the third-line), month (mean ± SD)


7.08 ± 4.54


7.39 ± 4.38


4.40 ± 2.88


10.00 ± 2.00


7.00 ± 7.07


4.75 ± 4.86


7.14 ± 4.64


2.92 ± 2.78

  1. BB β blocker, CAI carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, CAI/BB CAI and BB fixed combination drug, N, total number of patients, n number of patients, PGA prostaglandin analog, PGA/BB PGA and BB fixed combination drug, SD standard deviation
  2. aOthers included: rho kinase inhibitor, osmotic diuretic and autonomic agent