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Table 3 Intravitreal Aflibercept Treatment and Outcomes Following Switch to Intravitreal Aflibercept

From: Efficacy and safety of intravitreal aflibercept in ranibizumab-refractory patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration



(n = 125)

Delay between last injection of ranibizumab and first IVT-AFL, days

61.2 (46.1)

Reasons for switch to IVT-AFL, n (%)


122 (97.6%)


3 (2.4%)


0 (0%)

Time between diagnosis of nAMD and first IVT-AFL, months

7.4 (3.3)

Duration of IVT-AFL treatment, months

11.3 (3.1)

Follow-up duration, months

12.7 (2.0)

Number of IVT-AFL injections

7.5 (2.6)

BCVA, ETDRS letters

 Baseline (switch to IVT-AFL)

66.2 (12.1)

 Month 12

67.7 (13.6)

 Change in BCVA score between baseline and 12 months

1.5 (10.3)

P value


CRT, μm

 Baseline (switch to IVT-AFL)

331.2 (103.3)

 Month 12

286.2 (84.7)

 Change in CRT between baseline and 12 months

−45.0 (101.1)

P value

<  0.001

Patients with SRF, n (%)


87 (70.7)

 Month 12

58 (48.3)

Patients with IRF, n (%)


44 (35.8)

 Month 12

27 (22.5)

  1. All values are reported as mean (standard deviation) unless otherwise indicated; per-protocol population
  2. P values are for the paired samples t test
  3. AE Adverse event, BCVA Best-corrected visual acuity, CRT Central retinal thickness, ETDRS Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study, IRF Intraretinal fluid;IVT-AFL Intravitreal aflibercept, nAMD Neovascular age-related macular degeneration, SAE Serious adverse event, SRF Subretinal fluid