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Table 1 Patient characteristics at study enrollment (N = 19)

From: The disposable bandage soft contact lenses therapy and anterior segment optical coherence tomography for management of ocular graft-versus-host disease



Age (years), median (range)

55 (32–75)

Patient gender, no. (%)



11 (58)

8 (42)

Transplant to study entry (months), median (range)

Ocular GVHD diagnosis to study entry (months), median (range)

36.5 (8.0-157)

7.0 (1.0-133)

Diagnosis, no. (%)

 Acute leukemia

 Myelodysplastic syndrome

 Malignant lymphoma

 Chronic leukemia

7 (37)

5 (26)

5 (26)

2 (11)

Donor-patient gender combination, no. (%)

 Female to male


4 (21)

15 (79)

HLA and donor type, no. (%)

 Identical sibling

 Matched unrelated

 Mismatched unrelated

5 (26)

12 (63)

2 (11)

NIH eye score at the enrollment, no. (%)

 Moderate (score 2)

 Severe (score 3)

14 (74)

5 (26)