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Table 3 Medical and ocular history of the inmates

From: Prevalence and factors associated with ocular morbidity among prisoners of Luzira prison (Uganda)


n (percentage)

Ocular history

 Wear spectacles

50 (13.6)

 Participants reported eye complaints

201 (54.8)

Eye complaints reported (n = 201)


94 (46.8)

 Eye pain

29 (14.4)


73 (36.3)


7 (3.5)

 Reduced distant vision

63 (31.3)

 Reduced near vision

91 (45.3)

 Foreign body sensation

42 (20.9)


27 (13.4)

History of eye evaluation prior to incarceration

31 (8.5)

History of eye trauma

19 (5.2)

Duration of trauma (n = 19)


4 (21.1)


2 (10.5)


12 (63.2)

Visual effects from trauma

8 (42.1)

History of surgical operation

3 (0.8)

Medical history (N = 367)

 Has diabetes

4 (1.1)


43 (11.7)

Hypertensive on medication

11 (25.6)

Chronic diseases (n = 73)

73 (19.9)


69 (94.5)

Chronic medications (n = 73)

68 (91.9)

HIV status


72 (19.6)


293 (79.8)

Unknown status

2 (0.5)