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Table 1 Patient demographics and baseline ocular parameters

From: Risk factors for intraocular pressure elevation in a six-month period after ab interno trabeculotomy using a Kahook Dual Blade


Total (132 eyes of 120 patients)

Sex [n (%)]


57 (43.2)


75 (56.8)

Age (y)

 Mean ± SD

76.7 ± 10.4



Glaucoma diagnosis [n (%)]


76 (57.6)


56 (42.4)

Previous intraocular surgery

 Cataract surgery [n (%)]

33 (25.0)

 Filtration surgery [n (%)]

7 (5.3)

 Trabeculotomy ab externo [n (%)]

4 (3.0)

Preoperative status

 IOP at baseline (mmHg)

  Mean ± SD

23.4 ± 7.2



 No. glaucoma medicatons at baseline

  Mean ± SD

4.0 ± 2.8

Combined phaco + KDB [n (%)]

68 (51.5)

Standalone KDB [n (%)]

64 (48.5)

  1. POAG primary open-angle glaucoma, EXG exfoliation glaucoma, IOP intraocular pressure, KDB Kahook Dual Blade, phaco phacoemulsification