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Table 1 Clinical and demographic characteristics in the three groups

From: Quantitative assessment of eye movements using a binocular paradigm: comparison among amblyopic, recovered amblyopic and normal children



Recovered Amblyopia


P value






Age, Mean (SD), year

6.67 (2.31)

7.56 (2.45)

7.40 (2.40)

0.172 b

Sex: Female, No. (%)

23 (51.1)

23 (51.1)

28 (62.2)

0.473 a

Amblyopia severity c, No. (%)

 No (20/16—20/25)


45 (100)

45 (100)


 Mild to moderate (20/32—20/80)

36 (80.0)




 Severe (20/100—20/400)

9 (20.0)




BCVA in AE/OD d, Mean (SD), logMAR

0.37 (0.30)

0.04 (0.06)

0.02 (0.04)

 < 0.001 e

BCVA in FE/OS f, Mean (SD), logMAR

0.08 (0.12)

0.03 (0.06)

0.02 (0.04)

0.007 e

SE in AE/OD d, Mean (SD), D

2.64 (3.63)

2.20 (2.71)

-0.50 (1.97)

 < 0.001 e

SE in FE/OS f, Mean (SD), D

1.19 (2.64)

1.46 (2.04)

-0.29 (1.90)

 < 0.001 e

SE Refractive group g, No. (%), D


 < 0.001a

  < -6.00

2 (4.4)

0 (0)

0 (0)


 -6.00 ~ -3.00

1 (2.2)

2 (4.4)

4 (8.9)


 -3.00 ~ -0.50

5 (11.1)

4 (8.9)

17 (37.8)


 -0.50 ~  + 0.50

0 (0)

3 (6.7)

11 (24.4)


  + 0.50 ~  + 3.00

13 (28.9)

20 (44.4)

9 (20.0)


  + 3.00 ~  + 6.00

21 (46.7)

13 (28.9)

4 (8.9)


  >  + 6.00

3 (6.7)

3 (6.7)

0 (0)


Anisometropia, No. (%)

30 (67.7)

23 (51.1)

15 (33.3)

0.007 a

  1. F Female, BCVA Best-corrected visual acuity, logMAR logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution, SE Spherical equivalent, AE The amblyopic eye, OD The right eye, FE The fellow eye, OS The left eye, D Diopter, NA Not applicable
  2. aPearson’s χ2 test or Fisher’s exact test
  3. bone-way ANOVA
  4. cThe distance visual acuity is measured by Standard Logarithm Visual Acuity Chart, with approximate Snellen equivalent provided in parentheses. The visual acuity cutoff between “no amblyopia” and “mild to moderate amblyopia” was actually determined by the subject’s age according to Amblyopia “PPP” (2017) [12]
  5. dBCVA in (previous) AE in the (recovered) amblyopia group, BCVA in OD in the control group
  6. eKruskal-Wallis test
  7. fBCVA in (previous) FE in the (recovered) amblyopia group, BCVA in OS in the control group
  8. gSE in the more ametropic eye (SE with larger absolute value) was used to define the refractive groups