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Table 2 Qualitative sample size and participant eligibility for the ETAS study

From: Cost and community acceptability of enhanced antibiotic distribution approaches for trachoma in the Republic of South Sudan: enhancing the A in SAFE (ETAS) study protocol

Thematic Areas


Sample size


Pre-MDA FGDs with drug distributors and MDA field supervisors present at the MDA training

Assess the acceptability of the increased number of rounds targeted to children among MDA implementers, and to better understand perceived barrier to access or implementation

3 FGDs with a total of 17 participants

MDA drug distributors and MDA field supervisors who participated in the MDA implementation training

Post-MDA FGDs with participating drug distributors

Assess the feasibility of additional treatment rounds targeted to children amongst MDA implementers

4 FGDs with a total of 24 participants

MDA field supervisors and drug distributors that participated in the extended rounds of MDA

Post-MDA FGDs with participating community members

Assess the acceptability of additional rounds of targeted MDA amongst the community members

8 FGDs with a total of 48 participants

Chiefs, mothers, and guardians/caretakers, regardless of whether their child has participated in the MDA or not

Community awareness survey

To assess the community’s knowledge, and awareness of MDA mobilization activities, and the role of health workers in mobilization for the MDA campaign. To evaluate the impact of communication and messaging to raise awareness of the MDA campaign

6 to 9 communities with a total of 120 to 180 participants

Community members of communities targeted for MDA

  1. FGD Focus Group Discussion, MDA Mass Drug Administration