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Table 1 Comparison of the study population to the background population.

From: Early lens aging is accelerated in subjects with a high risk of ischemic heart disease: an epidemiologic study


Study population

Inter99 background population


Sex (males/females)

181 (43.0)/240 (57.0)

3121 (49.0)/3242 (51.0)


Age (years)

46.6 (8.1)

46.0 (8.0)


IHD risk (%)

4.5 (1.0–65.8)

4.8 (0.4–77.0)


Fasting p-glucose (mmol/l)

5.4 (3.0–19.7)

5.4 (2.0–23.9)


120-min p-glucose (mmol/l)

5.9 (2.5–25.9)

5.9 (1.4–30.6)


  1. Ischemic heart disease (IHD) risk was calculated as the risk of having an IHD event projected to occur between the age of 60 and 70 years using the Precard ® software. [21] Data are shown in mean (SD) for age and median (range) for IHD risk, fasting p-glucose, and 120-min post OGTT p-glucose, or actual numbers (%) for sex. P-values were calculated using the Students t-test when data were normally distributed or the non-parametric equivalent, the Mann-Whitney U-test (§) when data were not normally distributed. * A χ2-test was used.