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Table 2 Mean difference in spherical equivalents between PlusOptix A09 and cycloplegic autorefraction among children with hyperopia and myopia measured by cycloplegia

From: Accuracy of PlusOptix A09 distance refraction in pediatric myopia and hyperopia



Hyperopia (n = 18)

Myopia (n = 14)

P value

Difference between PlusOptix A09 and cycloplegia autorefraction mean (SD)

0.52 (1.2)

0.73 (1.34)

0.05 (0.66)


Children with < 1-D difference between PlusOptix A09 and cycloplegia autorefraction (%)

68.75 %

54.5 %

90.0 %


  1. Correlation between cycloplegic autorefraction with PlusOptix A09 and cycloplegic autorefraction
  2. -in myopic children (r = 0.91, p = 0.0002)
  3. -in hyperopic children (r = 0.52, p = 0.01)