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Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics

From: Clinical exhibition of increased accommodative loads for binocular fusion in patients with basic intermittent exotropia


IXT (n = 17)

Controls (n = 15)


Mean age ± SD (range), yrs

10.0 ± 4.09 (5 to 20)

9.1 ± 2.58 (6 to 14)


Female sex, no. (%)

8 (53.1)

8 (46.9)


Mean refractive error ± SD (range), D

 Fixating eye

−0.74a ± 1.42 (−4.75 to 1.00)

−1.27a ± 2.07 (−5.25 to 0.88)


 Deviating eye

−0.60a ± 1.44 (−4.88 to 1.13)

−0.92a ± 1.88 (−5.75 to 0.75)


Mean angle of deviation ± SD (range), PD


20.2 ± 7.19 (12 to 35)




21.0 ± 8.02 (12 to 40)



  1. Refractive error is presented as spherical equivalent. Fixating and deviating eyes in patient with IXT were compared to right and left eyes in controls, respectively
  2. IXT intermittent exotropia, SD standard deviation, D diopters, PD prism diopters
  3. * Mann–Whitney test, ** Chi-square test
  4. a Negative values refer to myopic refractive error