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Table 2 Summary of the distribution of the 8 filtered variables included in the final SEM analysis

From: Construction and implications of structural equation modeling network for pediatric cataract: a data mining research of rare diseases

Two-layer Variables

One-layer Variables

Original Variables

Detailed distribution

Overall index

Concomitant variables

Age at diagnosis

50.99 ± 36.38 months

Abnormal pregnancy history

23.13% (+)

76.87% (−)

Structural indices


21.75 ± 2.06 mm


55% (Extensive)

45% (Limited)


37.5% (Dense)

63.5% (Non-dense)


60.63% (Central)

39.37% (Peripheral)

Functional indices


15.12 ± 6.88 mmHg


0.77 ± 0.44 (logMAR)

  1. A total of 160 participants from the CCPMOH database and 8 filtered variables were included in the final SEM analysis. The mean age of the included participants was 50.99 months ± 36.38 months, and 23.13% (n = 37) of our patients had an abnormal pregnancy history. For the STR network, the mean value of AL was 21.75 mm ± 2.06 mm; 55% (n = 88) of our patients had an extensive area; 37.5% (n = 60) of our patients had dense opacity, and 60.63% (n = 97) of our patients had opacity at central location. For the FUN network, the mean IOP value was 15.12 mmHg ±6.88 mmHg, and the mean UCVA value (logMAR) was 0.77 ± 0.44
  2. AL Axial length, IOP Intraocular pressure, UCVA uncorrected visual acuity