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Table 3 Correlations between ocular symptoms and signs

From: Efficacy of topical 0.05% cyclosporine A and 0.1% sodium hyaluronate in post-refractive surgery chronic dry eye patients with ocular pain


OSDI (score)

NRS (score)

NPSI (score)

OSDI (score)

r = 1

r = 0.375*


r = 0.387*


CFS (score)

r = 0.318*

p = 0.005

r = 0.326*

p = 0.004

r = 0.243*

p = 0.037

TBUT (s)

r = -0.342*

p = 0.003

r = -0.269*

p = 0.020

r = -0.152

p = 0.195

Schirmer I test (mm)

r = 0.085

p = 0.467

r = 0.031

p = 0.789

r = 0.132

p = 0.263

  1. The r and p values were determined with Spearman’s correlation coefficient. *, P<0.05
  2. OSDI, Ocular Surface Disease Index; NRS, Numerical Rating Scale; NPSI-Eye, Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory modified for the Eye; CFS, corneal fluorescein staining; TBUT, tear break-up time