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Fig. 2 | BMC Ophthalmology

Fig. 2

From: Effect of topical bromfenac on intraretinal cystoid lesion in simultaneous cataract and idiopathic epiretinal membrane surgery

Fig. 2

Comparison of eyes with and without microvascular leakage. (a) In eyes with ML, changes in the median BCVA and the mean CMT, and the resolution and development of IRC were not different between two groups through the follow-up period. (b) In eyes without ML, topical bromofenac did not provide any statistical difference in changes in the median BCVA and the mean CMT, and the resolution and development of IRC. ML microvascular leakage, BCVA best-corrected visual acuity, CMT central macular thickness, IRC intraretinal cystic lesions, n.s.: statistically not significant

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