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Table 1 Potential 73 Risk Factors for Late Age-related macular degeneration, Identified in the Initial Review

From: Clinical risk factors for age-related macular degeneration: a systematic review and meta-analysis

• Ocular factors (n = 15)

   • Nuclear opacity

   • Cortical opacity

   • Pterygium

   • Lens opacity

   • Horizontal cup-to-disc ratio

   • Fellow eye

   • Iris color*†

   • Eye disease*

   • Cataract/Cataract surgery*†

   • Arcus cornea

   • Arterioar-to-venular ratio

   • Frekling

   • Spherical equivalents

   • Eye glasses for distance vision

   • Family history of AMD †

• Cardiovascular factors (n = 7)

   • Atherosclerosis

   • History of CVD and cerebrovascular disease*†

   • Serum Total Cholesterol level † and Serum HDL Cholesterol level †

   • Hypertension*†

   • Plasma antioxidants

• Other medical conditions or marker (n = 8)

   • Biochemical variables* including serum albumin, C-Reactive Protein,*† plasma fibrinogen,† and serum triglyceride †)

   • Bone mineral density

   • Diabetes*†

   • Arthritis

   • Menopause

• Diet (n = 11)

   • Dietary intake

   • Fat*

   • Animal fat*

   • Vegetable fat*

   • Linoleic acid

   • ∞-3 fatty acids EPA/DHA

   • Antioxidants*

   • Saturated fat

   • Monounsaturated fat

   • Polyunsaturated fat

   • Trans-unsaturated fat

• Medications (n = 9)

   • Birth control use

   • Diuretics use

   • Antacid use

   • Antihypertensive medication use

   • Anti-inflammatory drug use

   • Hydrochlorothiazide use

   • Hormone replacement therapy

   • Hormones (women)

   • Hypnotics/sedative

• Life style (n = 3)

   • Smoking*†

   • Alcohol consumption

   • Physical activity level

• Light and other exposures (n = 3)

   • Place of birth

   • Solar radiation/outdoor exposure*

   • Chemical exposure

• Genetics (n = 9)

   • fibulin 5

   • CST3

   • CX3CR

   • TLR4

   • VEGF

   • LRP6

   • MMP9

   • HLA family of genes

   • CFH

• Demographics (n = 8)

   • Gender*†

   • Age*†

   • Race/ethnicity*†

   • Education*

   • Weight/Body mass index*†

   • Waist circumference

   • Height

   • Marital status