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Table 3 Summary of adverse events, safety population (N = 590)*

From: First-line latanoprost therapy in ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucoma patients: a 3-month efficacy analysis stratified by initial intraocular pressure


Baseline Intraocular Pressure

Subjects with:

20 to <24 mmHg N = 262

≥ 24 mmHg N = 328

≥ 1 adverse event

111 (42.4) [159]

126 (38.4) [180]

≥ 1 treatment-related adverse event

83 (31.7) [109]

99 (30.2) [126]

≥ 1 serious adverse event

5 (1.9) [5]

4 (1.2) [5]

≥ 1 adverse event leading to treatment discontinuation

5 (1.9) [7]

8 (2.4) [13]

  1. *n (%) of subjects [number of events].
  2. Patient-reported use of a bottle of latanoprost beyond its expiration date, i.e., for >28 days after opening, was reported by 54 subjects in the 20 to <24 mmHg group and by 65 subjects in the ≥ 24 mmHg group. These were counted as adverse events and as treatment-related adverse events. No other ocular or systemic adverse event was associated with extended use in any subject.