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Table 8 Questionnaire on Awareness of Cataract and Glaucoma

From: Prevalence of visual impairment, cataract surgery and awareness of cataract and glaucoma in Bhaktapur district of Nepal: The Bhaktapur Glaucoma Study

Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology

Bhaktapur Glaucoma Study

Questionnaire: Awareness of Cataract and Glaucoma

Date of Interview

Please write the English Date (dd/mm/yr):

Name of Interviewer:






House No.


How many years have you been living here? *

Do you have people aged 40 or more in your family?

(If the answer is yes in the last 2 questions then take the interview of the people aged 40 or more in that family)





Have you had your eyes examined by a doctor?

If yes, where?

Do you know about these eye diseases?

If yes, what do you know about them?

What is your source of information?


M = 1

F = 2

Brahmin/Chhetri = 1

Newar = 2

Tamang = 3

Muslim = 4

Dalit = 5

Others (specify)= 6


Illiterate = 0

< 6 grade = 1

6-10 = 2

> 10 = 3

Others = 4


Tilganga Hospital = 1

Community Eye Centre Bhaktapur = 2

Other Hospital = 3

Private Clinic/Nursing home = 4

Heath camps = 5

Others (specify) = 6

Yes = 1

No = 0

Blurred Vision = 1

Blindness = 2

Pearl like opacity = 3

Rainbow haloes = 4

Raised eye pressure = 5

Unmatched answers = 6

Family members = 1

Hospital = 2

Doctor = 3

Friends/neighbors = 4

Radio/TV/Newspapers = 5

Others(specify) = 6

Don't know = 9


< 1 year = 0

> 1 year = 1

Yes = 1

No = 0

Write the name serially.


Yes = 1

No = 0






  1. * If the time of stay is less than 1 year/there is no one in the family of 40 or above age - do not interview.