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Figure 1 | BMC Ophthalmology

Figure 1

From: A case of paraneoplastic optic neuropathy and outer retinitis positive for autoantibodies against collapsin response mediator protein-5, recoverin, and α-enolase

Figure 1

Photographs at the first visit (a-f) and two weeks after (g, h) in a 67-year-old neuroretinitis patient with small cell lung carcinoma. Fundus photograph showing optic disc swelling surrounded by serous retinal detachment (SRD) and dilated tortuous veins in both eyes, and a subretinal opaque exudation at the fovea in the right eye (a, right eye, b, left eye). Fluorescein angiography of the right eye showing hyperfluorecence corresponding to the foveal lesion and the optic disc 140 second after the dye injection (c), and the foveal tissue staining, marked leakage from the optic disc, and retinal vasculitis (arrows) on the late phase (d). Horizontal section of optical coherence tomography (OCT) showing a dome-shaped hyperreflective lesion at the fovea and SRD (e, arrow) adjacent to the optic disc in the right eye (e). Horizontal OCT showing intact the photoreceptor inner segment/outer segment junction (IS/OS) line at the macula in the left eye (f). SRD extended to the macula in the left eye (g, arrow). Single-flash electroretinography demonstrated normal a-wave in both eyes and slightly reduced b-wave in the left eye (h).

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