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Table 1 Inclusion criteria according to the population–intervention–comparison–outcome (study design) model

From: Efficacy and safety of widely used treatments for macular oedema secondary to retinal vein occlusion: a systematic review


Patients with clinically significant BRVO or CRVO


1. Ranibizumab

2. Bevacizumab

3. Dexamethasone IVT

4. Laser photocoagulation


Any of the interventions listed above and any of the following:

1. Best supportive care

2. Grid pattern photocoagulation

3. Sham injections

4. Mixed treatment comparisons


Data for BRVO and CRVO were extracted separately where possible

Primary measures (at least one of the following extracted for every study)

1. Mean change in BCVA from baseline

2. Number of patients gaining ≥ 10 letters from baseline to 6 months

Secondary measures extracted if available

1. Number of patients gaining ≥ 15 letters

2. AEs

3. SAEs

4. Vision-related quality of life

Study design

Randomized controlled trials of any publication date

  1. AE, adverse event; BCVA, Best corrected visual acuity; BRVO, Branch retinal vein occlusion; CRVO, Central retinal vein occlusion; IVT, Intravitreal; SAE, serious adverse event.