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Table 6 Summary of similarities and differences between studies

From: Efficacy and safety of widely used treatments for macular oedema secondary to retinal vein occlusion: a systematic review






Ranibizumab vs. dex IVT: BRAVO [43] vs. GENEVA [18]

Design: double-blind

Patients failing to achieve sufficient improvement in BCVA could receive laser in BRAVO

Date of study

Duration of macular oedema before study commencement: 3.3–3.7 months vs. 5.1–5.3 months across treatment groups for BRAVO and GENEVA, respectively

Duration of follow-up:

6 months


Patient demographics

Ranibizumab vs. bevacizumab: BRAVO [43] vs. Moradian [49]

Design: double-blind

Patients failing to achieve sufficient improvement in BCVA could receive laser therapy in BRAVO

Date of study

Size: 81 patients (Moradian) vs. 397 patients (BRAVO)

Patient age: 58 years (Moradian) vs. 66 years (BRAVO)

Duration of macular oedema at baseline: 6 weeks (Moradian) vs. 3.5 months (BRAVO)

Duration of follow-up: 3 months (Moradian) vs. 6 months (BRAVO)

BCVA endpoint: change in logMAR reported for Moradian

Ranibizumab vs. laser: BRAVO [43] vs. BVOS [6]

Patient demographics

Patients failing to achieve sufficient improvement in BCVA could receive laser therapy in BRAVO


Design: double-blinded for BRAVO but single-blinded for BVOS (patients were aware of their treatment)

Duration of follow-up: 6 months vs. 36 months

Ranibizumab vs. laser: BRAVO [43] vs. Battaglia Parodi [45]

Patient demographics

Patients failing to achieve sufficient improvement in BCVA could receive laser in BRAVO

Size: 77 patients (Battaglia Parodi) vs. 397 patients (BRAVO)

Design: blinded for BRAVO but not reported for Battaglia Parodi

Duration of follow-up: 24 months (Battaglia Parodi) vs. 6 months (BRAVO)

Duration of BRVO: < 15 days for Battaglia Parodi vs. < 12 months for BRAVO (inclusion criterion)



Ranibizumab vs. dex IVT: CRUISE [42] vs. GENEVA [18]

Design: double-blind

Duration of macular oedema before study commencement: 2.9–3.6 months vs. 5.1–5.3 months across treatment groups for CRUISE and GENEVA, respectively

Date of study

Duration of follow-up: 6 months

Baseline BCVA: 47.4–49.2 letters vs. 53.9–54.8 letters across treatment groups for CRUISE and GENEVA, respectively


Patient demographics

Ranibizumab vs. laser: CRUISE [42] vs. CVOS [10]


Design: blinded for CRUISE but single-blinded for CVOS (patients were aware of their treatment)

Patient demographics

Duration of macular oedema at baseline: > 3 months for CVOS, < 12 months for CRUISE (inclusion criteria)

Duration of follow-up: 36 months (CVOS) vs. 6 months (CRUISE)

Ranibizumab vs. laser: CRUISE [42] vs. Laatikainen [46]

Patient demographics

Size: 48 patients (Laatikainen) vs. 392 patients (CRUISE)

Design: blinded for CRUISE but not Laatikainen

Duration of follow-up: 12 months (Laatikainen) vs. 6 months (CRUISE)

Duration of macular oedema at baseline: < 3 months for Laatikainen vs. < 12 months for CRUISE (inclusion criterion)

Ranibizumab vs. laser: CRUISE [42] vs. May [47]

Patient demographics

Size: 34 patients (May) vs. 392 patients (CRUISE)

Design: blinded for CRUISE but not May

Duration of follow-up: 24 months (May) vs. 6 months (CRUISE)

CRVO duration at baseline: not specified for May vs. < 12 months for CRUISE (inclusion criterion)

  1. BCVA, Best corrected visual acuity; BRAVO, Ranibizumab for the Treatment of Macular Edema after BRAnch retinal Vein Occlusion: Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety; BRVO, Branch retinal vein occlusion; BVOS, Branch retinal Vein Occlusion Study; CRUISE, Ranibizumab for the Treatment of Macular Edema after Central Retinal Vein OcclUsIon Study: Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety; CRVO, Central retinal vein occlusion; CVOS, Central retinal Vein Occlusion Study; Dex IVT, Dexamethasone intravitreal; GENEVA, Global EvaluatioN of implantable dExamethasone in retinal Vein occlusion with macular edemA; logMAR, Logarithm of minimum angle of resolution; NR, Not reported.