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Table 2 The mean (± standard deviation) visual acuity of the logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution at various points after the first injection in each treatment schedule group

From: Individualized ranibizumab therapy strategies in year 3 after as-needed treatment for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy

Treatment schedule


During the third year


1 year

2 years

3 years

All eyes (n = 128)

0.61 (0.51)

0.43 (0.43)

0.50 (0.42)

0.52 (0.47)

As-needed injections determined by quarterly examination schedule


(n = 28)

0.98 (0.58)

0.89 (0.46)

0.93 (0.45)

1.12 (0.49)

As-needed injections determined by monthly examination schedule


(n = 61)

0.48 (0.49)

0.23 (0.30)

0.30 (0.32)

0.30 (0.30)

Monthly injections schedule (n = 18)

0.34 (0.08)

0.21 (0.18)

0.38 (0.17)

0.35 (0.12)

Treat-and-extend schedule (n = 21)

0.72 (0.38)

0.55 (0.27)

0.63 (0.26)

0.52 (0.22)