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Table 1 Trial outcomes from the patients’ perspectives

From: Patient experiences in retinal trials: a cross-sectional study



n (%)

How did you benefit from participating in the trial? (N = 187 responses)

More frequent contact with my doctor

33 (41 %)

Free medical care and services

35 (44 %)


12 (15 %)

More knowledge about my eye condition

68 (85 %)

Improved health

23 (29 %)

Interaction with others with my condition

11 (14 %)


5 (6 %)

How have you felt since having the treatment?

Much better

32 (40 %)

Somewhat better

18 (23 %)

About the same

15 (19 %)

Somewhat worse

3 (4 %)

Much worse

0 (0 %)

Have you experienced any side effects from the treatment?


11 (14 %)


50 (63 %)


5 (6 %)

  1. aRemediation refers to correction of visual health as defined by the specific retinal trial
  2. bSide effects listed by patients included pain, increased appetite, hair hanging in eye, headaches, cataract, blurred vision, smell, burning and gritty sensation in eye, small tingles in eye, and glaucoma