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Fig. 1 | BMC Ophthalmology

Fig. 1

From: Diabetic levels of glucose increase cellular reducing equivalents but reduce survival in three models of 661W photoreceptor-like cell injury

Fig. 1

Dose and duration response of 661W photoreceptor-like cells to phototoxic stimuli in 5mM glucose. Both the MTT assay and measurement of activation of caspase 3-7 showed phototoxic stimuli had negative effects on 661W cells. These effects increased with both the duration of light exposure and concentration of the chromophore 9-cis retinal respectively. a MTT dye reduction shows a significant decrease in cellular reducing equivalents with increasing 9-cis retinal concentration and period of treatment in 661W cells. Phototoxic stimuli in the absence of chromophore caused a trend towards reduction in cellular reducing equivalents in 661W cells after 5-6 h, but the insult induced statistically significant differences after 4 h with the addition of 5 μM 9-cis retinal and 3 h with the addition 10 μM 9-cis retinal. b Caspase 3/7 activation after exposure to phototoxic stimuli also increased significantly with duration of exposure and concentration of chromophore. Caspase 3/7 activation appeared more sensitive than MTT in detecting statistically significant damage, showing negative effects after 3 h of exposure in the presence of 2 μM of the chromophore

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