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Table 1 Search strategy for the PubMed database

From: Systematic literature review of treatments for management of complications of ischemic central retinal vein occlusion

Search number

Search strategy

Number of hits


((“Central Retinal Vein Occlusion”[Title/Abstract]) OR CRVO[Title/Abstract]) OR vein, central retinal[MeSH Terms] Filters: Publication date from 2004/01/01 to 2015/03/01; Humans; English



((Central Retinal Vein Occlusion[Title/Abstract]) OR CRVO[Title/Abstract]) OR vein, central retinal[MeSH Terms]) AND (ishaemic[Title/Abstract] OR ischemic[Title/Abstract]) Filters: Publication date from 2004/01/01 to 2015/03/01; Humans; English



(((“Central Retinal Vein Occlusion”[Title/Abstract]) OR CRVO[Title/Abstract]) OR vein, central retinal[MeSH Terms]) AND (efficacy [Title/Abstract] OR “quality of life” [Title/Abstract] OR effectiv* [Title/Abstract] OR “treatment outcome” [Title/Abstract] OR treatment outcome [MeSH Terms] OR quality of life [MeSH Terms]) Filters: Publication date from 2004/01/01 to 2015/03/01; Humans; English



(((Central Retinal Vein Occlusion[Title/Abstract]) OR CRVO[Title/Abstract]) OR vein, central retinal[MeSH Terms]) AND (economic [Title/Abstract] OR cost [Title/Abstract] OR “cost analysis” [Title/Abstract] OR cost-effective* [Title/Abstract] OR “treatment cost” [Title/Abstract] OR “health care cost” [Title/Abstract] OR utility [Title/Abstract] OR reimbursement [Title/Abstract] OR “drug cost” [Title/Abstract] OR “cost saving”[Title/Abstract] OR “unit cost” [Title/Abstract] OR Health Expenditures[MeSH Terms] OR Drug Costs[MeSH Terms] OR Cost Sharing[MeSH Terms] OR Cost of Illness[MeSH Terms] OR Cost Savings[MeSH Terms] OR Technology, High-Cost[MeSH Terms] OR Cost Control[MeSH Terms] OR Cost-Benefit Analysis[MeSH Terms] OR Cost Allocation[MeSH Terms] OR Direct Service Costs[MeSH Terms] OR Hospital Costs[MeSH Terms] OR Employer Health Costs[MeSH Terms]) Filters: Publication date from 2004/00/01 to 2015/03/01; Humans; English

