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Table 2 OCT parameters between healthy controls and diabetes group

From: Choroidal structural changes correlate with severity of diabetic retinopathy in diabetes mellitus




P value

Number of eyes (n)




RNFL thickness (um), median (IQR)

11 (10,12.25)

11 (10,13)

P = 0.407#

Retinal thickness (um), mean ± SD

240.58 ± 20.64

238.85 ± 15.33

P = 0.654*

CT (um), mean ± SD


212.63 ± 11.99

213.21 ± 19.02

P = 0.849*


233.03 ± 16.69

234.05 ± 19.57

P = 0.788*


216.95 ± 19.32

219.71 ± 20.61

P = 0.502*

Choroid vascular parameters

 TCA in mm2, mean ± SD

0.81 ± 0.14

0.85 ± 0.08

P = 0.086*

 LA in mm2, mean ± SD

0.54 ± 0.09

0.54 ± 0.07

P = 0.825*

 SA in mm2, mean ± SD

0.26 ± 0.07

0.31 ± 0.04

P < 0.001*,†

 L/C ratio

0.68 ± 0.06

0.63 ± 0.04

P < 0.001*,†

  1. OCT, optical coherence tomography; IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation; CT, choroidal thickness; TCA, total choroidal area; LA, luminal area; SA, stromal area; L/C ratio, the ratio of the luminal to choroidal area
  2. *: P values were calculated using the Independent t-test
  3. #: P values were calculated using the Mann-Whitney U test
  4. †: Significant difference between mean values of control eyes and DM eyes