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Table 2 Overview of age based ophthalmological assessments for study purpose

From: Visual impairment in children with a brain tumor: a prospective nationwide multicenter study using standard visual testing and optical coherence tomography (CCISS study)

Primary outcome measures

Ophthalmological testing methods


0.5–2 years

2–3 years

3–5 years

≥ 6 years

Visual acuity



E- charts

Numeral/Snellen charts

Visual fields




Peritest, HFA 24–2 SITA-FAST,

Goldmann Perimetry

Thickness of retinal layers (RNFL, GCL-IPL)

Handheld OCT

Handheld OCT

Handheld OCT

Table-top OCT

  1. BEFIE Behavioral Visual Field Screening test, GCL-IPL ganglion cell layer – inner plexiform layer, HFA Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer, KP Kay Pictures, OCT Optical Coherence Tomography, RNFL retinal nerve fiber layer, TAC Teller Acuity Cards