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Table 1 Baseline demographics and disease characteristics

From: Functional versus functional and anatomical criteria-guided ranibizumab treatment in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration – results from the randomized, phase IIIb OCTAVE study


Ranibizumab 0.5 mg

VA only (Group I)

Ranibizumab 0.5 mg

VA and/or OCT (Group II)

Randomized set

n = 335

12-month completers

n = 151

Randomized set

n = 336

12-month completers n = 154

Mean (SD) age, years

73.9 (7.9)

74.1 (8.10)

75.3 (7.9)

74.9 (7.9)

Gender, Female, n (%)

213 (63.6)

91 (60.3)

194 (57.7)

93 (60.4)

Race, Caucasian, n (%)

320 (95.5)

150 (99.3)

325 (96.7)

154 (100)

Mean (SD) BCVA, ETDRS letters

61.9 (12.84)

60.9 (13.10)

59.8 (12.64)

60.2 (12.21)

Mean (SD) CSFT, μm

500.9 (203.58)

517.7 (201.8)

512.7 (193.80)

515.3 (198.37)

Mean (SD) time since first diagnosis of nAMD, weeks

6.6 (41.74)

8.3 (57.40)

4.8 (15.65)

5.5 (20.87)

Mean (SD) central subfield volume on OCT, mm3

0.4 (0.16)

0.4 (0.16)

0.4 (0.15)

0.4 (0.16)

Presence of subretinal fluid on OCT, Yes, n (%)

257 (76.7)

126 (83.4)

270 (80.4)

132 (85.7)

Presence of fluid beneath the retinal pigment epithelium on OCT, Yes, n (%)

122 (36.4)

59 (39.1)

132 (39.3)

59 (38.3)

Presence of cysts on OCT, Yes, n (%)

150 (44.8)

77 (51.0)

174 (51.8)

78 (50.6)

Presence of extrafoveal CNV lesions on FA, Yes, n (%)

123 (36.7)

56 (37.1)

108 (32.1)

53 (34.4)

Lesion type on FA, n (%)

 - 100% classic

73 (21.8)

40 (26.5)

72 (21.4)

35 (22.7)

 - Predominantly classic

20 (6.0)

7 (4.6)

27 (8.0)

14 (9.1)

 - Minimally classic

36 (10.7)

18 (11.9)

33 (9.8)

16 (10.4)

 - Occult with no classic component

123 (36.7)

61 (40.4)

114 (33.9)

55 (35.7)

  1. Randomized set comprises all randomized patients
  2. BCVA best-corrected visual acuity, CSFT central subfield thickness, ETDRS Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study, FA fluorescein angiography, n number of patients in treatment group with Month 12 VA (for 12-month completers), nAMD neovascular age-related macular degeneration, OCT optical coherence tomography, SD standard deviation, VA visual acuity