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Table 2 Skills of optometrists on cataract

From: Assessment of optometrists knowledge, skills and practice on cataract: a cross-sectional study from Kisumu County, Western Kenya


Number (%)

How do you make a Diagnosis of cataract?

 Slit lamp assessment

10 (20.4)

 Pen torch assessment

2 (4.1)

 Reduced vision and Funduscopy

37 (75.5)

Do you think Funduscopy is important?


49 (100)

 To make a diagnosis of cataract

49 (100)

 For Follow up

30 (61.2)

 To determine which surgery

20 (40.8)

How can lens be assessed

 Direct ophthalmoscope

41 (83.7)

 Indirect ophthalmoscope with 90D and 78D.

29 (59.2)

  1. Table above shows the skills of the respondents on diagnosis, significance of Funduscopy and lens assessment