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Table 3 Summary of the secondary outcome analysis

From: Traumatic displacement of laser in situ keratomileusis flaps: an integrated clinical case presentation


Follow-up interval < 30 months (mean SD)

n = 3

Follow-up interval ≥ 30 months (mean SD)

n = 4

Corneal sensation of the injured eye (mean SD), mm

51.67 (2.89)

48.75 (6.29)

NIBUT of the injured eye (mean SD), sec

14.43 (10.42)

9.98 (2.68)

TMH of the injured eye (mean SD), mm

0.13 (0.03)

0.17 (0.07)

OSDI of the injured eye (mean SD)



Corneal sensation discrepancy (mean SD), mm

-6.67 (2.89)

-3.75 (2.50)

NIBUT discrepancy (mean SD), sec

-0.23 (3.31)

-0.13 (0.41)

TMH discrepancy (mean SD), mm

0.007 (0.015)

0.015 (0.034)

OSDI discrepancy(mean SD)



  1. n number, SD standard deviation, mm millimeter, NIBUT non-invasive tear break-up time, TMH tear meniscus height, OSDI ocular surface disease index