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Table 4 Baseline parameters of the group

From: One year outcomes after small incision lenticule extraction ReLEX in the correction of myopia and myopic astigmatism



Gender, %





Spheric equivalent, diopter a

 Myopic eyes

 Myopic astigmatic eyes

 Statistic (P-value)

-4.25 (-5.25 to -3.12)

-6.25 (-7.25 to -4.13)

2.97 (0.0031)

Mean Keratometry, diopter a

 Myopic eyes

 Myopic astigmatic eyes

 Statistic (P-value)

43.50 (42.75 to 44.85)

44.20 (43.10 to 45.00)

0.66 (0.5103)

  1. a values are expressed as the median and interquartile range (Q1 to Q3), where Q1 is the first quartile and Q3 is the third quartile