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Fig. 2 | BMC Ophthalmology

Fig. 2

From: RPE disruption and hyper-transmission are early signs of secondary CNV with punctate inner choroidopathy in structure-OCT

Fig. 2

The funds structure of a patient had PIC without CNV at baseline and developed secondary CNV during follow-up. (a) At first visit, fundus photography showed a distributed yellow-white lesion in her macular region. (b) SD-OCT imaging revealed a disruption of the EZ zone, minimal sub-retinal fluid with a slight elevation of RPE, and normal choroidal transmission. (c) Two weeks later, fundus photography showed the lesion in the macular (yellow arrow) and a yellow-white spot appeared in the inferior nasal to the fovea (black arrow). (d) SD-OCT scanned the lesion in macular (yellow arrow) and showed moderate reflective material under RPE with a disruption of BM (yellow arrow), hyper-transmission could be found in choroid (white arrow). (e) Meanwhile, the 3×3 mm SD-OCTA angiography en face and b-scan images showed an abnormal vascular network (yellow arrow). (f) 6×6 mm SD-OCTA structure en face showed abnormal vascular network (yellow arrow) in the macular fovea and a dot inferior nasal to the fovea (black arrow). (g) Four weeks later, SD-OCT images began to show an area of choroidal hypo-transmission (yellow arrow) adjacent to the areas of a choroidal hyper-transmission (white arrow). (h) As the disease progressed, the vascular network grown larger and lesion extended

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