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Table 3 Factors associated with the presenting intraocular pressure

From: Profile of primary childhood glaucoma at a child eye health tertiary facility in Malawi


IOP in the worse eye (mmHg) a, n = 45

P-value b

Mean (SD)

Median (IQR)



32.5 (11.8)

30 (21–42)



33.9 (8.8)

34 (29–38)


Type of primary glaucoma


31.8 (10.3)

30 (24–38)



47 (8.2)

49 (38–54)


Subtype of PCG, n = 42

 Infantile onset PCG

29.6 (8.8)

29 (23–37)


 Late-recognised PCG

35.5 (11.7)

35.5 (29–45)


Ocular involvement


34.3 (11.1)

33 (28–42)



28.2 (8.9)

29 (21–34)


  1. IOP Intraocular pressure, PCG Primary congenital glaucoma, JOAG Juvenile open angle glaucoma, SD Standard deviation
  2. a IOP in the eye with a higher IOP value than the contralateral eye
  3. b Mann-Whitney U test