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Table 2 Anti-VEGF treatment outcome in patients receiving insulin or OHA for DM, stratified by baseline vision

From: The effect of insulin on response to intravitreal anti-VEGF injection in diabetic macular edema in type 2 diabetes mellitus




P value* (95% CI)

BCVA ≥ 70 approxETDRS letters

N = 75

N = 32


  Baseline BCVA (approxETDRS letters)

73.53 (3.61)

73.03 (4.02)

0.546 (-1.15, 2.15)

  Final BCVA (approxETDRS letters)

73.88 (5.81)

73.66 (6.51)

0.867 (-2.45, 2.89)

  BCVA change (approxETDRS letters)

0.35 (6.08)

0.62 (6.99)

0.689 (-4.99, 1.00)

  Baseline CMT (microns)

345.84 (58.56)

356.19 (81.10)

0.517 (-42.27, 21.57)

  Final CMT (microns)

302.73 (47.29)

316.16 (69.98)

0.326 (-40.68, 13.83)

  CMT change (microns)

-43.09 (63.88)

-40.03 (86.81)

0.624 (-32.00, 21.00)

  Injection number

8.21 (2.99)

8.03 (3.08)

0.779 (-1.11, 1.47)

BCVA < 70 approxETDRS letters

N = 62

N = 29


  Baseline BCVA (approxETDRS letters)

52.65 (10.86)

54.17 (11.36)

0.547 (-6.58, 3.53)

  Final BCVA (approxETDRS letters)

61.61 (15.28)

57.52 (17.96)

0.294 (-3.66, 11.85)

  BCVA change (approxETDRS letters)

8.97 (13.99)

3.34 (15.10)

0.063 (0.00, 10.00)

  Baseline CMT (microns)

422.05 (124.99)

441.28 (128.52)

0.505 (-76.69, 38.24)

  Final CMT (microns)

338.45 (84.56)

330 (106.18)

0.708 (-36.26, 91.62)

  CMT change (microns)

-83.60 (131.88)

-111.28 (145.80)

0.259 (-26.00, 81.99)

  Injection number

8.31 (3.13)

7.97 (3.51)

0.657 (-1.19, 1.87)

  1. Abbreviations: BCVA Best corrected visual acuity, CMT Central macular thickness, CI Confidence interval, DM Diabetes mellitus, approxETDRS Approximate early treatment diabetic retinopathy study, OHA Oral hypoglycemic agent
  2. Data are presented as means (SD) for continuous variables and percentage (%) for categorical variables. N represents the total case number in each group. *p-values are for a difference between insulin and OHA group. 95% CI is for the difference between the means of the two groups. Independent t-test/ Mann–Whitney U test for continuous variables between treatment groups; Significant p-values are in bold