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Table 1 Characteristics of the participants

From: Visual outcomes of observation, macular laser and anti-VEGF in diabetic macular edema in type 1 diabetes: a real-world study

Patients, n (%)


 DME in both eyes

98 (48)


121 (59)

Follow-up time, months, mean, SD [min-max]

65.2 (44.9) [6-235]

DR severity at the onset of DME, n (%)

 Mild non-proliferative

31 (15)

 Moderate non-proliferative

98 (47)

 Severe non-proliferative

26 (13)


51 (25)

Age at DM, years, mean, (SD) [min-max]

23.4 (16.5) [1-79]

Age at DME, years, mean, (SD) [min-max]

47.4 (14.4) [18-85]

Time from T1D to DR, years, mean, (SD) [min-max]

16.4 (9.7) [0-53]

Time from T1D to DME, years, mean, (SD) [min-max]

24.1 (11.8) [0-59]

  1. DME Diabetic macular edema, DR Diabetic retinopathy, PDR Proliferative diabetic retinopathy, T1D Type 1 diabetes