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Fig. 4 | BMC Ophthalmology

Fig. 4

From: Quantitative assessment of eye movements using a binocular paradigm: comparison among amblyopic, recovered amblyopic and normal children

Fig. 4

Correlations between deviations and clinical characteristics in the amblyopia group. The distribution plots of each variable were showed on the diagonal. The bivariate scatterplots with fitted lines were showed on the lower left panel. The correlation coefficients (Spearman) with significant levels as stars were showed on the upper right panel. ***, **, * was significant correlation at P value < 0.001, < 0.01, < 0.05, respectively. Variables included age (year), BCVA_AE/FE (best-corrected visual acuity in the amblyopic/fellow eye, logMAR), SE_AE/FE (spherical equivalent of refractive error in the amblyopic/fellow eye, D), Fix-X/Fix-Y (horizontal/vertical deviation in the sustained fixation test, °), and Sac-X/Sac-Y (horizontal/vertical deviation in the visually guided saccade test, °). No significant correlation was found between deviations and the clinical characteristics

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