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Fig. 1 | BMC Ophthalmology

Fig. 1

From: A novel predictive model for phthisis bulbi following facial hyaluronic acid cosmetic injection

Fig. 1

Typical imaging features of 4 grades of ASI following facial cosmetic filler injection. A, B Grade 3. Photography of binocular external aspect and left anterior segment of case No. 6 diagnosed with PB showing ptosis, shrunk globe, enophthalmos, mild conjunctival hyperemia, 360-degree circumferential iris atrophy, pupil shift temporally and cataract, of the left eye, taken in approximately the 6th month after ASI following facial HA injection. C Grade 2. Left anterior segment photography of case No. 1 diagnosed with hypotony showing subconjunctival hemorrhage, mild corneal edema, Tyndall effect, mydriasis, pupil irregularity, taken on the 7th day after ASI following facial HA injection. D Grade 1. Left anterior segment photography of case No. 13 diagnosed with CHS showing severe mixed conjunctival hyperemia, mild corneal edema, positive Tyndall effect, mid-dilated and irregular pupil, taken on the 12th day after ASI following facial HA injection. E Grade 2. Right anterior segment photography of case No. 3 diagnosed with hypotony showing mild conjunctival hyperemia, 360-degree circumferential iris atrophy, mydriasis, pigmentation on lens surface and cataract, taken in approximately the 1.5 months after ASI following facial HA injection, but with subsequent PB at 6-month follow-up. ASI, anterior segment ischemia; HA, hyaluronic acid; CHS, ciliary hyposecretion; PB, phthisis bulbi

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