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Table 1 Patients’ demographics and ocular characteristics

From: Long-term real-life outcomes of the Clareon® hydrophobic intraocular lens: the Clarte study in 191 eyes



3 years


n = 225


age at the time of surgery, years (SD)

73 (7.9)

73 (7.9)

gender, female (%)

120 (53)

73 (38)

both eyes included (%)

102 (31)

59 (46)


n = 326

n = 191

right side (%)

154 (47.2)

90 (47.1)

mean AL, mm (SD)

23.8 (1.2)

23.9 (1.1)

mean ACD, mm (SD)

3.18 (0.4)

3.20 (0.40)

mean IOL power

20.5 (2.6)

20.3 (2.7)

  1. SD: standard deviation, VA: visual acuity, AL: axial length, ACD: anterior chamber depth