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Table 2 Clinical presentation, findings and investigations, N = 808

From: Corneal endothelial cell density and associated factors among adults at a regional referral hospital in Uganda: a cross-sectional study


n (%)

n (%)

Presenting VA in better eye


6/5 to 6/12



> 6/12 to 6/18

49 (12.1)


> 6/18 to 6/60

59 (14.6)


> 6/60 to 3/60

14 (3.5)


> 3/60

11 (2.7)


Presenting VA in worse eye


6/5 to 6/12

203 (50.2)


> 6/12 to 6/18

63 (15.6)


> 6/18 to 6/60

56 (13.9)


> 6/60 to 3/60



> 3/60

37 (9.2)


Examination findings



Conjunctival hyperemia

100 (24.8)

92 (22.8)


51 (12.7)

45 (11.2)

Arcus senilis

189 (39.5)

189 (39.5)

Cells in A/C

12 (3.0)

13 (3.2)


89 (22.1)

80 (19.8)

Lens opacification

188 (46.5)

175 (43.3)

Vitreous degeneration

19 (4.9)

15 (3.9)

Retinal hemorrhage

07 (1.7)

07 (1.7)

Retinal detachment

06 (1.5)

05 (1.2)

Retinal exudates

01 (0.3)

02 (0.5)

Mean IOP(SD)*

15.0 (6.0)

14.8 (5.8)

Mean Corneal diameter (SD)*

10.9 (0.6)

10.9 (0.6)

Tear film instability

48 (12.1)

44 (11.1)

Diagnostic parameters


Mean CCT (SD)*

522.9 (39.0)

524.8 (37.7)

Mean Keratometry (SD)*

43.9 (2.4)

43.7 (2.1)

Mean AXL (SD)*

22.8 (1.1)

22.7 (0.9)

Mean ACD (SD)*

2.9 (0.4)

2.9 (0.4)

  1. Where * is indicated, n < 808 due to missing data. For IOP (n = 796), Corneal diameter (n = 782), CCT (n = 806), Keratometry (n = 792), AXL (n = 800), ACD (n = 796). Mean keratometry and mean corneal diameter were calculated as geometrical means from K1 and K2 readings and from horizontal and vertical corneal diameters respectively.
  2. Presenting visual acuity was graded according to WHO grading of visual impairment. There was a significant difference in the analysis per eye that compared the mean ECD between VA in the better and worse eye in both the RE and LE. Overall, the eyes with worse VA had a low mean ECD (RE = 2584.2 ± 517.3 cells/mm2, LE = 2531.4 ± 539.2 cells/mm2) as compared to those who had better VA (RE = 2926.6 ± 535.5 cells/mm2, LE = 2951.9 ± 504.2 cells/mm2), p < 0.001