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  1. Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is considered to be a neurodegenerative optic neuropathy, in which cell death occurs by apoptosis. p21, is an important protective component of the apoptotic pathway, regulating...

    Authors: Thomas Ressiniotis, Philip G Griffiths, Sharon M Keers, Patrick F Chinnery and Michael Birch
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2005 5:5
  2. Relatively little is known about the incidence of prescribing errors and there has been no work on this in a single specialty ophthalmic hospital. Knowing where and when errors are most likely to occur is gene...

    Authors: K Mandal and SG Fraser
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2005 5:4
  3. Keratocyte loss by apoptosis following epithelial debridement is a well-recognized entity. In a study of corneal buttons obtained from patients of corneal ulcer undergoing therapeutic keratoplasty, we observed...

    Authors: Geeta K Vemuganti, Kishore Reddy, Ghazala Iftekhar, Prashant Garg and Savitri Sharma
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2004 4:16
  4. To evaluate the efficacy of diode laser photocoagulation in patients with central serous retinopathy (CSR) and to compare it with the effects of argon green laser.

    Authors: Lalit Verma, Rajesh Sinha, Pradeep Venkatesh and HK Tewari
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2004 4:15
  5. To study the effect of prophylactic application of mitomycin-C on haze formation in photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) for high myopia.

    Authors: Hassan Hashemi, Seied Mohammad Reza Taheri, Akbar Fotouhi and Azita Kheiltash
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2004 4:12
  6. Although a rare disease, uveal melanoma is the most common primary intraocular malignancy in adults, with an incidence rate of up to 1.0 per 100,000 persons per year in Europe. Only a few consistent risk facto...

    Authors: Andrea Schmidt-Pokrzywniak, Karl-Heinz Jöckel, Norbert Bornfeld and Andreas Stang
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2004 4:11
  7. Triple-A syndrome (Allgrove syndrome) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by adrenal insufficiency, alacrima, achalasia, and – occasionally – autonomic instability. Mutations have been found in the A...

    Authors: Brian P Brooks, Robert Kleta, Rafael C Caruso, Caroline Stuart, Jonathan Ludlow and Constantine A Stratakis
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2004 4:7
  8. The new Ocular Dynamic Contour Tonometer (DCT), investigational device supplied by SMT (Swiss Microtechnology AG, Switzerland) allows simultaneous recording of intraocular pressure (IOP) and ocular pulse ampli...

    Authors: Esther M Hoffmann, Franz-H Grus and Norbert Pfeiffer
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2004 4:4
  9. As shown previously, the submandibular (SM) lymph node (LN) is required for priming the immune response during corneal graft rejection. In this study, we wished to determine whether corneal grafts at "high-ris...

    Authors: Jarmila Plšková, Vladimír Holáň, Martin Filipec and John V Forrester
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2004 4:3
  10. Recently, instruments for the measurement of wavefront aberration in the living human eye have been widely available for clinical applications. Despite the extensive background experience on wavefront sensing ...

    Authors: Harilaos S Ginis, Sotiris Plainis and Aristophanis Pallikaris
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2004 4:1
  11. Matrix metalloproteinases play an important role in extracellular matrix deposition and degradation. Based on previous clinical observations of corneal perforations during topical fluoroquinolone treatment, we...

    Authors: Victor E Reviglio, Melinda A Hakim, Jae K Song and Terrence P O'Brien
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2003 3:10
  12. More than 3 million cataract extractions are undertaken in India annually. Almost 60% of these operations are intracapsular Cataract Extractions. The subsequent optical correction is provided by aphakic specta...

    Authors: Sanjeev K Gupta, GVS Murthy and Namrata Sharma
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2003 3:9
  13. The retina, which is exposed to both sunlight and very high levels of oxygen, is exceptionally rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which makes it a favorable environment for the generation of reactive oxygen ...

    Authors: Tarun K Garg and Jason Y Chang
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2003 3:5
  14. One approach to resolving some of the in vivo functions of alpha-crystallin is to generate animal models where one or both of the alpha-crystallin gene products have been eliminated. In the single alpha-crystalli...

    Authors: Daniel L Boyle, Larry Takemoto, James P Brady and Eric F Wawrousek
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2003 3:3
  15. The efficacy and safety of ketotifen eye drop treatment in allergic conjunctivitis (AC) management is perfectly known by several studies, but the mechanism of action at the biochemical levels is poorly underst...

    Authors: Andrea P Martín, Julio Urrets-Zavalia, Alejandro Berra, Ana Lía Mariani, Norberto Gallino, Eduardo Gomez Demel, Julio Gagliardi, Carlos E Baena-Cagnani, Enrique Urrets-Zavalia and Horacio M Serra
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2003 3:2
  16. Compaction of human ocular lens fiber cells as a function of both aging and cataractogenesis has been demonstrated previously using scanning electron microscopy. The purpose of this investigation is to quantif...

    Authors: Christopher D Freel, Kristin J Al-Ghoul, Jer R Kuszak and M Joseph Costello
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2003 3:1
  17. Previous studies have shown a significant increase in tear protein peaks in the tears of diabetic patients suffering from dry eye. The aim of this study was to analyze the tear protein patterns from patients w...

    Authors: F H Grus, P Sabuncuo, H B Dick, A J Augustin and N Pfeiffer
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2002 2:4
  18. Herpes simplex keratitis (HSK) is a sight threatening ocular infection often requiring a specific and prompt laboratory diagnosis. Isolation of Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) in culture provides the most reliabl...

    Authors: Sreedharan Athmanathan, Sesha B Reddy, Rishita Nutheti and Gullapalli N Rao
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2002 2:3
  19. The Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM) are far from the rare systemic diseases that mainly affect the neural tissue. There are very few written reports on ocular findings in subjects with IEM, thus it was inter...

    Authors: Daria P Tsagaraki, Athanasios E Evangeliou, Miltiadis Tsilimbaris, Martha G Spilioti, Eleni P Mihailidou, Christos Lionis and Ioannis Pallikaris
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2002 2:2
  20. Xanthurenic acid is an endogenous product of tryptophan degradation by indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). We have previously reported that IDO is present in mammalian lenses, and xanthurenic acid is accumulate...

    Authors: Halina Malina, Christoph Richter, Beatrice Frueh and Otto M Hess
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2002 2:1
  21. Herpes simplex keratitis (HSK) is a sight threatening ocular infection and occurs worldwide. A prompt laboratory diagnosis is often very useful. Conventional virology techniques are often expensive and time co...

    Authors: Sreedharan Athmanathan, Sesha Reddy Bandlapally and Gullapalli N Rao
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2001 1:3
  22. To report an unusual case of herpetic bullous keratitis misdiagnosed as a case of pseudophakic bullous keratopathy with secondary glaucoma.

    Authors: Sreedharan Athmanathan, Mittanamalli S Sridhar, Raj Anand, Anil K Mandal and Gullapalli N Rao
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2001 1:2
  23. To report a case of atypical herpes simplex keratitis initially diagnosed as bacterial keratitis, in a contact lens wearer.

    Authors: Sreedharan Athmanathan, Veenashree M Pranesh, Gunisha Pasricha, Prashant Garg, Geeta K Vemuganti and Savitri Sharma
    Citation: BMC Ophthalmology 2001 1:1

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